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Speaker Event: Hugh Montgomery
7:00 pm19:00

Speaker Event: Hugh Montgomery

Professor Hugh Montgomery is a consultant intensivist with many strings to his bow. As well as being a professor at UCL and practising as an intensivist at Whittington Hospital, he is extensively involved in research into human health and performance, which has led to him discovering the first "fitness gene" - an ACE allele variant - and also conducting research up Mount Everest! Professor Montgomery will be speaking to our members primarily about his work on the impacts of climate change on human health - we hope that you can join us for this exciting talk by a world-class physician and researcher!

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Speaker Event: Frances Bu'lock
6:00 pm18:00

Speaker Event: Frances Bu'lock

Dr. Frances Bu'lock is a consultant paediatric cardiologist at the East Midlands Congenital Heart Centre, having trained at both Oxford and Cambridge. In addition to her extensive research into congenital cardiology, she was part of the team that helped the first baby born with ectopia cordis to survive this condition, in which the heart is outside of the body, and has battled to keep Glenfield Hospital as a centre of excellence in the NHS. We are delighted to invite our members to hear from Dr. Bu'lock about her career path in cardiology and also her experiences of working in the NHS - we hope that you can join us for what promises to be a fascinating evening!

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